We're here to make a difference - for Christ's sake!



 Sunday Services at Weoley Castle weekly at 11 am & informal family service at 4 pm. See the “Newsletters” tab for information .


 Weoley Warm Spaces:

At WCCC: Fridays 10 am – 3 pm. Free light lunch, free WiFi, activities, children’s corner.
Other centres in Weoley Castle: see the flyer below


Minister for the ‘Cadbury Pastorate’
(Weoley Castle & Weoley Hill) :

Currently vacant; please contact our Church Secretary

‘Community Outreach Pioneer’ :
Sam Poursain

email: sam.poursain [at] seedbeds.org

Room Bookings

Church Secretary, Tel. 0121 475 3841

email: weoleycastlecommunitychurch50 [at] gmail.com

Church Secretary:

Ted Forgan

email: weoleycastlecommunitychurch50 [at] gmail.com

Tel: 0121 475 3841

Worship Rota:

Beverley Smith

email: weoleycastleleaders [at] gmail.com

Age UK (Advice and Information)
Tel: 0121 437 0479

Church sign made by local kids


Led by Lizzie Bean, and put up by us


Visitors to this site

Visitors to this site

The cross shows new life after death

The cross shows new life after death



Senior Citizens’ Day Centres on Mondays and Fridays. New members welcome

Parents & Toddlers: Weds 9.15am (most weeks of school term)

Elite Dance & Karate weekday evenings and Saturdays :  for children and family groups. New members welcome.

Tuesdays 7.00: Crafts Group. “knit & natter” or try out other crafts.food supply

Our  partnership with “Incredible Surplus”, who offer food and other surplus items on a pay as you feel basis from our Quarry Rd entrance once a week. They can also make deliveries or accept donations to support the work and operate School Uniform and clothing exchange.

Senior Citizens FREE hearing aid battery replacement – available from Chris Hopkins: phone her on 0121 426 1227 when the building is closed – instead of the usual times at Church, most Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings.

Lunch Clubs: Mon & Fri: 12.00

Elite Dance Group (Children and Young People): Wed & Fri 5 pm; Sat 9.30 am,

Karate training: Mon & Thurs 6.00 pm

Parents & Toddlers: Weds 9.15am (most weeks of school term)

Housebound Day Centres: Mon & Fri 10.00am

Warm Space/Warm Welcome: Fridays 10 am – 3 pm

email: bill_hopkins [at] btinternet.com

or phone Chris Hopkins on 0121 426 1227